Cat Care Basics

Welcoming a new cat - supplies checklist

Bringing home a new family member is very exciting! Make sure you have all the basic supplies you need:

  • Durable pet carrier to take your new family member home in

  • Cat food. Make sure to transition to new foods slowly to avoid stomach upset.

  • Food and water dishes

  • Litter box and scoop, cat litter. Find out from the foster home or shelter if the cat has preferences or is familiar with a certain type.

  • A scratching post/tower

  • Cat brush

  • Toys

  • A place to sleep - get your new kitty a cushy bed or even a blanket in a box - cats aren’t picky!

Some luxuries:

  • Cat fountain

  • Window perch

Pet Insurance

We highly recommend pet insurance in case of accident or illness. Here are some points to consider when choosing an insurance carrier

Introducing a new cat

Most cats don’t get along immediately and will need a slow and patient introduction. Even if you don’t have other pets in the house many cats will feel most comfortable starting out in a smaller area like a spare room “home base” and gradually increasing their exposure to the rest of the house and animals.

Check out the PDF on how to successfully introduce two cats: Introducing a new cat

Here is another PDF with additional information to include integration with a dog: Feline introductions

Cats and Kids

If you have children you should have some rules in place to not only protect everyone, but ensure that your kids and cats have a great relationship. Here are some great tips: Cats and Kids