Meet Yams (forever foster)
Yams came to SCAT in Jan 2022 after spending approximately 3 years at the Estevan Humane society. Yams is FIV+ so he was kept with one other cat who was positive and the dogs at the shelter. After Yams moved into my home I noticed some concerning things; he had a severe upper respiratory infection, was drooling blood from his mouth, his meow had a rattle/wheeze, he had trouble eating and was very thin. Yams was disengaged, he did not play, could not groom himself, leading to matted hair, and crusty paws from drooling and litter caked feet and nails. He wasn't curious and mostly laid alone.
Following his first vet visit we learnt why he was acting so off. Yams had Feline stomatitis, often called feline chronic gingivo-stomatitis FCGS. All of Yams teeth were rotting and infected. After dental surgery he came out with 1 tooth, it was eventually decided it had to be extracted as well. About 6 weeks after that surgery there was small, but very noticeable changes in Yams. He began trying to groom
himself, attempted to engage in play with toys and his foster brother and was out exploring parts of the house he had never before.
Thanks to the team at City Park Vet, Yams has become bright, curious and very stable and is living an excellent quality of life in his foster home. Yams has a medication regimen consisting of an immune suppressant, a steroid and an antibiotic to manage the Stomatitis and the effect it can have on a FIV+ (immune suppressed cat). Yams almost moved into the adoptable category as his health had drastically improved, then during a routine check a prominent murmur was heard that was never heard before. Specialized testing shows that Yams has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (thickening of the heart value). The condition is considered mild but that could change at any time.
This has moved Yams into the hospice category and he will continue living large in his foster home. Yams has a special hypoallergenic diet and requires regular
Blood work and testing to maintain optimal health.
Yams favourite things are cardboard scratchers, no boundary cuddles, trying to consume loaves of bread with no teeth and dressing up for Halloween. Yams is so grateful to SCAT and their supporters for giving him the chance to live out the time he has left in the best way possible- inside- warm- and with medical care and love!
*Yams is not available for adoption and will live out the rest of his life in his foster home under the care of SCAT.
About Me
Sex: Male
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour/Pattern: White and black
Birthday: January 20, 2017
Likes: Cardboard scratchers, loaves of bread, Halloween

If you are interested in adopting please click here to fill out an adoption application, or email if you want more information on this or any other available cat