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Cat Tree Raffle

  • SCAT Street Cat Rescue 108- 2750 Faithfull Avenue Saskatoon, SK Canada (map)

Tickets $5 each, 5 pack for $20

Lottery License: PAR22-0076

Open to SK residents only

Ticket purchase deadline May 17 at 12pm noon

Draw date May 17 at 7pm

Winners will be contacted to arrange pickup

First Prize: Multi Level Sherpa Cat Tower 27"x16"x70"

Second Prize: Cat Craft Playset 19.2"x24.25"x45.28"

Third Prize: Cat Tower w/ Hammock 24"x18"x36" (40" wide with hammock out)

Fourth Prize: Vesper Cabana 19.68"x19.68"x20.86"

Form Link for purchase - this will also send an email back saying: Thank you for your purchase. Please e-transfer your payment to Tickets will be emailed within 48 hours.

See our facebook event for pictures of the prizes!

April 30

Subs for Strays!

May 17

Prairie Meats Gift Card Fundraiser